20 Questions…
01 What was your earliest ambition?
Ever since I was a kid my ambition was to be in a Rock and Roll band.
02 It’s our round. What are you having?
A pint of Sierra Nevada in a Sierra Nevada branded glass please
03 Social media platform of choice?
Instagram is my platform of choice.
04 A mentor or someone that inspired you?
Farrel Kavanagh of Genius Clothing and Aiden Grennelle, now CD of ebow, are my real world mentors and influencers.
05 If you could be born into another time and place, where and when would it be?
Tomorrow in Dublin.
06 Favourite writers?
Hergé, JD Salinger, Bukowski, Philip Roth, Ian McEwan, Le Carré and new Irish writer David Lyons.
07 A film you’d watch again tonight?
How to get ahead in Advertising with Richard E Grant.
08 Is there an unsung hero you’d like to thank?
Sharon Murray.
09 Something that no longer happens that you miss?
My art gallery in Castle Street. I closed it down last year and hope to open it again in a safer area next year.
10 Desert island pet: Dog or cat?
I’m on my 3rd cat. Elvis Pussley, Mr Mojo Risin’ and now, Ringo.
11 Favourite ad?
‘Mountain’ for Sony Playstation.
12 Are you an early adopter? What’s new?
The old is what’s new. Levi’s, Clarks, Vinyl and Paper Books.
13 A brand to which you feel some loyalty?
Diesel. The authentic Italian denim brand not the ‘fake’ one.
14 Person you might be starstruck to meet?
The Queen.
15 Something that recently brought a tear to your eye?
Digital bullying in schools.
16 Something that recently got your goat?
Trying to get through to a utilities company using the phone options.
17 What would be your fantasy act of heroism?
Sorting out the cycling heroics needed to get around College Green.
You’ve won the Euromillions and disappeared. Where might we find you?
I’d be at home thinking about the millions and millions more problems I now would have.
18 Someone or something that strikes you as beautiful?
Joy As An Act Of Resistance by IDLES
19 ‘Here lies (your name)’. Complete your epitaph…
Here lies David Douglas.
He lived. He sweated.